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Carbon Neutral Technology Corp (CNTC)

The world’s first ITAD company to create registered carbon credits through refurbishing and reselling corporate IT assets.

Reach Your Sustainability Goal
Bring IT Full Circle


Number of assets remarketed


Carbon credits generated


Total value raised for customers
lightbulb-flash-fill (1)


Total e-waste avoided


Complete lifecycle IT asset management

At CNTC, we help organizations advance their sustainability efforts with innovative IT programs by enabling them to receive verified carbon credits, minimize e-waste impact, reduce the cost of technology acquisition, and improve End-of-First-Life™ (EOFL) IT asset management.

Our programs generate carbon credits by eliminating emissions associated with new IT equipment production. We work with environmental organizations to develop our protocol to reduce the impact of IT asset disposition (ITAD).

Revolutionize ITAD


Make sustainability part of your operations


Maximize IT asset value

We help you find value in all salvageable equipment and exchange top-dollar value for EOFL hardware.


Flexible financing options

We make acquiring new technology affordable through our TechAdvance™ and TechLease™ programs


End-to-end ITAM model

We handle everything from new equipment procurement to secure asset retrieval for seamless IT asset management.


ISO-certified processes

Our ISO 14064-2 and 14064-3-compliant processes streamline ITAD to maximize your ROI.


Maximize IT asset value

We help you find value in all salvageable equipment and exchange top-dollar value for EOFL hardware.


Flexible financing options

We make acquiring new technology affordable through our TechAdvance™ and TechLease™ programs


End-to-end ITAM model

We handle everything from new equipment procurement to secure asset retrieval for seamless IT asset management.


ISO-certified processes

Our ISO 14064-2 and 14064-3-compliant processes streamline ITAD to maximize your ROI.


Stay at the forefront of IT asset management and disposition

Begin Your Search

Data Sheet: Turn Your Legacy Tech into Your Company Legacy with TechAdvance™

Data Sheet: Unlock Savings and Sustainability with CO2Neutral™ TechLease™
Lenny's Legacy

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A security-first ITAD process

center line
Dock-to-dock asset transport

We handle all asset pick-up and delivery to ensure security.

Robust device tracking

We know where all your assets are throughout the process by tracking serial numbers and asset tags.

ISO-certified facility

We store all devices in our ISO 9001-certified processing facility with 24/7 surveillance.

NIST-compliant security

We wipe all devices according to the NIST 800-88 data sanitation protocol.

Dock-to-dock asset transport

We handle all asset pick-up and delivery to ensure security.

Robust device tracking

We know where all your assets are throughout the process by tracking serial numbers and asset tags.

ISO-certified facility

We store all devices in our ISO 9001-certified processing facility with 24/7 surveillance.

NIST-compliant security

We wipe all devices according to the NIST 800-88 data sanitation protocol.

Experience Security-First ITAD


ITAD success at your fingertips

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Kimberly Lee
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Discover Lenny’s Second Act: From Trusted Sidekick to Classroom Hero

Follow the heartwarming journey of Lenny the Laptop, a once-retired device, now reborn as a vital learning tool in the classroom. Read "Lenny's Legacy" to see how old tech can find new life and purpose. Explore the full story now!

Download Now
Lennys Legacy Flipbook - IT Asset Disposition - Cover


Award-winning ITAD programs


CO2Neutral™ IT Asset Disposition program gives you top-dollar value and carbon credits for your End-ofFirst-Life corporate IT assets.


CO2Neutral™ TechAdvance™ gives you up to 20% additional discount toward new equipment purchase.


CO2Neutral™ TechLease™ provides aggressive residual values to lower your monthly lease payments.


An ITAD program that’s good for your budget and the environment

Discover how CO2NeutralTM can help you meet your sustainability goal and improve your ROI.